Sunday, March 24, 2013

Mike Gordon Eulogy  by Cheryl Greenstone Read today at Mike's Memorial Service

It seems just like yesterday we were eating chow fun and telling jokes. I can't believe that was over 15 years ago. I met Michael back in 1996 when we first started dealing poker. We developed a great friendship over the years. Mike could not only talk for hours, which is unusual for a man, but he would give the best advice!

His heart was as big as a house. He was one of the most sweetest, nicest, person you could met.
He talked very highly of his close friends. Whether it be going over songs with Joy or her visits to him that " were never long enough" in his mind. Having Pam come over after work or on her days off to help him with shopping or haircut meant a lot to him. She even took him over to her house for Thanksgiving so that he wouldn't have to be alone. He was very grateful for that. Those movie marathons with Zoey would always give me a good laugh. Not sure I could go a whole day watching movie after movie, but he loved it! And then there is Janet. Words can not describe how Michael felt about Janet. I still remembering him telling me this " I don't care how sick I am, if Janet calls me to come out and help her I would be gone on the next flight out no questions asked." The bond you two shared was incredible. Thank you Janet and Joy for being there for Michael in Michigan and CT when he needed you most.

I know there are many more people that made a big impact on his life and I don't mean to single anyone out. Michael held a spot in each one of our hearts as well his.
His love for music was amazing. I can remember it just like it was yesterday. I was up in CT in September of last year visiting Mike. I was sitting on the couch when he said "come here I have a song I want you to hear." It was " Call me maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen. I forgot how many hits it got but it was a lot. It was the first time I have ever heard the song and thought ya this is a cool catchy song. I never really paid much attention to the song again until my son Joshua came home from school and was singing that song. I asked him where he had heard the song and he said "they play it on the bus." It hit home when he sang that song and although I never did get to tell Mike that my son came home from school singing the song he told me would be a big hit someday, I know it would have put a big smile on his face.

I felt that Michael was hurting towards the end and although I wish he was still here, I know he is at peace now with his mother beside him. Until we meet again my friend..............

Eulogy for Mike    by Joy Weinberg    delivered today at Mike's Memorial Service 

I met Mike in my late 20s when he answered my ad in the Village Voice looking for music buddies.  When we first spoke on the phone, he was so kind and fun and knowledgeable about music, I instinctively suggested we meet at my apartment to talk and jam—something I had never done before.

One of my female friends was horrified.  “Joy,” she said, “You don’t invite strange men to your apartment!” She insisted on my calling her when he rang the apt bell and staying on the phone with me when Mike first showed up, so I could assess the situation, tell her everything was OK—and if anything went awry, she’d know immediately and get help. 

So Mike showed up, got comfortable in my apt, and we started talking.  And talking.  And talking.  And I totally forgot about my well-meaning friend hanging on and trying to take care of me on the phone line.  Because even though I had just met Mike, he was already taking care of me –engaging me with his life stories, teaching me about music and everything that interested him, making me laugh, and simultaneously connecting with who I was and wanted to be.

Throughout the years I knew Mike, he was my vacation.  Being with him was always a much-needed reminder that the best of life is to be had when you live for your passions and enthusiasms.  I didn’t need to go abroad to relax when Mike and I were shooting the breeze nonstop about the greatest new songs we’d heard and funny things that had happened to us, and I was doing my usual countdown of how many traffic regulations Mike would break in the first 10-minutes on the road from his apartment and Mike was intent on ascertaining the precise monetary sum it would take, down to cents, for me, a long avowed fish-eating vegetarian, to consume a bacon cheeseburger. 

Now one might say that Mike was over-consumed by his passions for his own good—I can think of many a day, for example, when he was too bent on handicapping the upcoming harness races, I couldn’t get him to eat breakfast-- and there was the time he visited my home in New Paltz and insisted on driving 25 miles out of our way and back in order to place his trifecta bet at the OTB.  

But one of the beauties of Mike was that when it came to priorities, his number one was his friends.  He was always there for me, just as I know he was always there for each one of you who appreciated what a prize he was. He was a living exemplar of the best that friendship can be.

I love you, Mike, and will continue to do so ‘til the end of my days.



Monday, March 11, 2013

The world lost one of its brightest, purest lights today.  Michael Gordon, may you rest in peace with the knowledge that you live on, beloved, within each of us.  

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Joy:  I wrote this song, "The Sweeetest Man," in tribute to Mike, to capture the essence of what he has meant to me.

Here is a link to a Vimeo recording of me playing the song this morning.  Lyrics are below.

Mike, this is for you:

The Sweetest Man

Music & Lyrics c2013 Joy Weinberg

Composed February & March 2013

You know that great day feelin’

It’s the best day of your life

You got to tell somebody

Everything that’s goin’ right

Who’s gonna listen

All the day and through the night

That’s right …. That’s right



The sweetest man

The sweetest man you’ve ever seen

The sweetest man    

The sweetest man you’ll ever meet

Look in the man

The teddy bear is underneath


You know that sinkin’ feelin’

All that you thought was true were lies  

You got to tell somebody

Who’ll get so mad, you’ll feel fine

Who’s gonna listen

All the day and through the night

That’s right …. That’s right




Yes when you’re sad or worried or just need to call a friend

Who’ll listen ‘til the waterfall of tears comes to an end

Who wants just one thing from you—that’s to make you smile again

He’s your man   

He’s your man




You know that “do it!” feeling

You got a dream you can make true

But everyone’s near sighted

Like the whole world’s versus you

Who’s gonna pump you

Keep your spirit shining through

He can ….  He can  


Chorus 2x (lyrics changed per below)


The sweetest man

The sweetest man I’ve ever seen

The sweetest man

The sweetest man I’ll ever meet

You’ll always be

The best of men to

You’ll always be

The best of men, see


The sweetest man

The sweetest man I’ve ever seen

The sweetest man

The sweetest man I’ll ever meet

You’ll always be

The best of men to

You’ll always be

The best of men, to

You’ll always be

The best of men, to me


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

October 1996 was when I first met Mike Gordon. I just started dealing poker, as did Mike. Although we were both on opposite shifts, we hit it off right away. No matter what kind of day you were having you knew Mike could put a smile on your face. He has that kind of personality.
 I can still remember going over to Mike's house and his Mom saying " Are you on the intercom Michael ". She never did call it a computer. Sylvia was the nicest sweetest lady you will ever meet. She could tell you stories for hours just like her son.
 Up until recently, I used to call Mike about 3 or 4 times a week on my way to work. Not only could he talk the whole half hour drive to work but he ALWAYS put a smile on my face. Whether it was telling jokes or about what he did that week. He always saw the glass as half full never half empty.
 On my last visit to CT in September, Mike was still recovering from his heart attack earlier in the year, so he was still very weak. He still managed to take me around and stay up late telling jokes and stories for hours.
 I just found out today that Michael's health is failing rapidly and that he has been transported to a hospice facility. He can no longer communicate. I am glad I came up to visit him in September to spend time with him and talk to him earlier this week on the phone. His memories will live on in us forever. May you be in peace.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

My dear sweet funny rock and rolling Matza Ball. How many. Concerts have we seen together? I have all the ticket stubs. You are a very special gift to me. After losing my husband and wanting to meet someone interesting fun and a Beatle lover,,,,, ; there you were on pof. We wrote to each other in Beatle lyrics for quite some time then met at a concert.

You are sweet genuine funny and caring. You introduced me to your friend family and kept me up to date with all their adventures. I had my first martzaball with you. I never called you MIKE. always MATZ.

You are a very dear friend to me. I am glad you are recovering ...many places to go and things to do.


Saturday, February 23, 2013


This is a photo of Mike and me in happier times. We had dinner with my daughter and her husband at Foxwoods. Mike is such a kind, caring, generous person. It has been fun chatting with him, and listening to the endless stories that he had to tell. I have not known Mike for as long as some of you, but it feels as though I have known him forever. We share a love of dogs. Mike joined me on a  rescue mission to save an  abused dog  in New York a year ago. His compassion for both animals and humans is endless. I am so happy that I got to know Mike. I am saying prayers and sending positive thoughts his way. God bless, Mike.

Susan, Mr T and Teddy