Sunday, March 24, 2013

Mike Gordon Eulogy  by Cheryl Greenstone Read today at Mike's Memorial Service

It seems just like yesterday we were eating chow fun and telling jokes. I can't believe that was over 15 years ago. I met Michael back in 1996 when we first started dealing poker. We developed a great friendship over the years. Mike could not only talk for hours, which is unusual for a man, but he would give the best advice!

His heart was as big as a house. He was one of the most sweetest, nicest, person you could met.
He talked very highly of his close friends. Whether it be going over songs with Joy or her visits to him that " were never long enough" in his mind. Having Pam come over after work or on her days off to help him with shopping or haircut meant a lot to him. She even took him over to her house for Thanksgiving so that he wouldn't have to be alone. He was very grateful for that. Those movie marathons with Zoey would always give me a good laugh. Not sure I could go a whole day watching movie after movie, but he loved it! And then there is Janet. Words can not describe how Michael felt about Janet. I still remembering him telling me this " I don't care how sick I am, if Janet calls me to come out and help her I would be gone on the next flight out no questions asked." The bond you two shared was incredible. Thank you Janet and Joy for being there for Michael in Michigan and CT when he needed you most.

I know there are many more people that made a big impact on his life and I don't mean to single anyone out. Michael held a spot in each one of our hearts as well his.
His love for music was amazing. I can remember it just like it was yesterday. I was up in CT in September of last year visiting Mike. I was sitting on the couch when he said "come here I have a song I want you to hear." It was " Call me maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen. I forgot how many hits it got but it was a lot. It was the first time I have ever heard the song and thought ya this is a cool catchy song. I never really paid much attention to the song again until my son Joshua came home from school and was singing that song. I asked him where he had heard the song and he said "they play it on the bus." It hit home when he sang that song and although I never did get to tell Mike that my son came home from school singing the song he told me would be a big hit someday, I know it would have put a big smile on his face.

I felt that Michael was hurting towards the end and although I wish he was still here, I know he is at peace now with his mother beside him. Until we meet again my friend..............

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