Wednesday, March 6, 2013

October 1996 was when I first met Mike Gordon. I just started dealing poker, as did Mike. Although we were both on opposite shifts, we hit it off right away. No matter what kind of day you were having you knew Mike could put a smile on your face. He has that kind of personality.
 I can still remember going over to Mike's house and his Mom saying " Are you on the intercom Michael ". She never did call it a computer. Sylvia was the nicest sweetest lady you will ever meet. She could tell you stories for hours just like her son.
 Up until recently, I used to call Mike about 3 or 4 times a week on my way to work. Not only could he talk the whole half hour drive to work but he ALWAYS put a smile on my face. Whether it was telling jokes or about what he did that week. He always saw the glass as half full never half empty.
 On my last visit to CT in September, Mike was still recovering from his heart attack earlier in the year, so he was still very weak. He still managed to take me around and stay up late telling jokes and stories for hours.
 I just found out today that Michael's health is failing rapidly and that he has been transported to a hospice facility. He can no longer communicate. I am glad I came up to visit him in September to spend time with him and talk to him earlier this week on the phone. His memories will live on in us forever. May you be in peace.

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