Thursday, February 21, 2013

Joy here: It's February 21, 2013, and I've been thinking of Mike pretty constantly as he holds on in the Critical Care division of Bacchus Hospital in Norwich, CT.

Friends who did not know Mike ask me about him.  How do you sum up the quintessential qualities of Mike--someone so wonderfully unique in this world?  Here are some of the things I say:

Mike is:
- the sweetest man I've ever met.
- the most caring and supportive friend I've ever had. If I had a dream, he had it too.
- a vacation. You know how people go on vacation to Puerto Rico or Aruba, to get away from the day-to-day of their lives, relax, laugh, and enjoy.  That was being with Mike--we'd talk nonstop excitedly about music and games, he'd tell great stories, he'd make me laugh--I'd forget all about so-called "real life" because connecting to him WAS real life.
- the most connected friend I ever met--not just to me but to all of his friends.  I feel that I know all of you who read this because Mike spoke of you, shared your lives, with me, because your lives were his; all he ever wanted to do was to make his friends happy

How would you describe Mike?

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