Friday, February 22, 2013

My name is Adam Roberts. I met Mike in 1988 at a poker game in a Brooklyn synogogue :). In the now 25 years I have been in and around the poker world, I have rarely socialized or became friends with anyone. Mike was an exception, and an anamoly in that environment. I have always found him to be incredibly honest, straightforward, and trustworthy. Mike was also a big influence in shaping the way I learned how to be successful as a poker player.
A good friend and devoted son, Mike has always been someone I enjoyed speaking to and spending time with, although those dissipated somewhat after I migrated to the west coast. We had similar views on life, society, humor, music, etc....but most importantly had the same integrity and values, which unfortunately didn't serve either of us as well as it should have.
I am happy that I was able to help Mike secure some work between 2002-2006, jobs though he never accepted.
Although I am hoping that Mike will get to read this, I know that he has always known how I felt about him, and I cherish that.

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